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Conversational AI and the Power to Make Difficult Conversations Easy

Webio's CEO and Chief Tempo Officier joins the latest episode of Tech Entrepreneur On-a-Mission with Ton Dobbe to talk about the highs and lows of starting and growing a conversational AI tech business and how thinking differently and daring to do things differently is at the heart of the company strategy. 

Webio is on a mission to make those difficult conversations about money that little bit easier for everyone concerned and this interview delves a little deeper into Webio's product innovation that makes that happen. 

Talking about the interview Todd notes that "taking the different approach to solving problems often isn't so much about improving what your customers do, but how they feel doing it.  This is one of the conclusions that stood out for me in my interview with Cormac-- a platform that has the power to make difficult conversations about money, that little bit easier for everyone concerned. And to achieve this, the Webio team decided to go an inch wide and 30 inches deep -- i.e. focus on some very specific, meaningful use cases, rather than creating a generic 'all purpose' chat-bot platform."

Listen in to hear more about:

  • How thinking in micro-steps can help your customers make massive steps forward in progress as a result of changing behaviour
  • Why asynchronous conversations often result in better (data) quality, engagement, and outcome than real-time conversations – especially if it’s about stressful topics
  • Why you shouldn’t second guess your customers – get your product into their hands as early as possible and let them tell you (even if you think it’s far from ready)


“Webio‘s conversational messaging now plays a primary role in our customer contact strategy deploying before dialler campaigns and it really works.” – Snap Finance

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